This planet is the only one we got at the moment. And I’d like us to be able to enjoy it for as long as possible.

“Therefore I’ve set a goal for 2020 to make WyrdWideWeb more Eco-Friendly!”

Working in the fashion business where trends make people throw away perfectly good clothes, is like constantly working against the environment.

I do my best to design timeless designs that will work no matter what trends are in style at the moment.

We at WyrdWideWeb only work with manufacturers that have a clear environmentally friendly manufacturing process. And we even work with different factories around the world so that your clothes will always be manufactured as close to your home as possible to save on pollution when shipping, AND it’s cheaper for you!

Bella + Canvas is one of the new brands I’ll start to collaborate with in 2020. Their entire production chain is pretty impressive and very good for the environment. Check out this video where they explain everything!

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